All things commonly thought to be strange and all things strangely thought to be common are the purview of Flippism is the Key.
Feel free to take your mental shoes off and rummage barefoot through the fertile fields of FLIPPIST THOUGHT. Posts may be fiction or satire or whimsy—please don’t take everything dead seriously, it is not scripture. All texts, drawings, videos and photographic illustrations are copyrighted creations, except in reviews or where otherwise credited.
Comments are encouraged but spam and/or abuse will be deleted at the discretion of site administrator. FITK is not an open forum.
The search box will help you discover what ‘The Professor’ might have to say about any subject which may captivate your interest; there are over 20 years of posts. FITK publishes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (and occasionally at other times.) Click on images (2017 or later) to make them full-sized. Check out the sidebar link ‘Dogma’ for a greatest hits list of memorable FITK posts.
FITK contains FOUR COMPLETE serialized novels: Window Weather (2012), The Matriarchy (2014-2016), The Reader (2017), and The Inheritance (2020). A memoir, Search For a Dancer, was published in 2023. Links to these and various other writings are in the sidebar under Fiction.
Professor Batty’s persona and the Flippism is the Key title was inspired by the Carl Barks comic Flip Decision, originally published in Walt Disney Stories and Comics™, #149. No endorsement or relationship to The Walt Disney Company™ exists nor is any such relationship implied. Not affiliated with House of Cards, either.
Guest contributors:
Comica is a multifaceted writer in the Great Southern Tradition, a language scholar (yes, she has a degree!) and all-around free spirit. Active from 2004-2006.
ECS is an expatriate now living in Norway, re-posts here are from her Icelandic blog. Featured 2016.
Little Miss Loopy, is an Icelandic blog pioneer who was a direct inspiration for FITK. Active here 2004-2006.
RS is an internet educator residing in India, posting on FITK 2005-2007.
Sharon Spotbottom is all things to all things and nothing if she is anything. Featured 2008-2012, she re-appears on FITK from time to time.
Direct all email communications to dktrfz@gmail.com
Privacy Notice: Flippism is the Key does not track or otherwise "follow" visitors. Blogger (part of Google) does track them but in 20+ years I have never experienced a negative consequence from this. That said, Google is inscrutable.
All posts are the copyrighted property of their respective contributors. This Blog is strictly for educational, artistic and/or amusement purposes. Any person, or any duly appointed representative thereof, who is mentioned or linked in this blog may petition for an immediate removal of any reference to aforesaid persons. The blog post author(s) may at any time alter, delete or otherwise change the content of posts at any time without notice or explanation. AI-generated content will be duly noted as such. Flippism is the Key is not affiliated with any commercial, religious or political organization. No money or other tangible asset has ever been received for the mention of or linking to any product or service. ///brass.cigar.clip
Flippism is the Key ~ Quality Blog Content Since 2004