Mama Gets Folk
One last soliloquy about my Wisconsin sojourn: There is a small bistro in Bayfield that's pretty friendly, with good food at a reasonable price. During tourist season, they have live music a couple of nights a week. Maggie’s was full, and I was staying at Gruenke’s, so why not try Mama Gets? As I waited for my order, the entertainment began. It was an EARNEST FOLK DUO, a man and woman, obviously a couple, singing their homemade tunes about their love. For each other. Sung to each other - face to face. I felt like I was peeking in a bedroom window. If they had been a little less earnest, a little more musical, it might have been OK. But they weren't. They were awful. They had a "hat" in front of the stage for tips. I somehow knew that no matter how much money I put in the hat, they wouldn't stop playing. I made it through the meal (the food really was very good) and left a tip for the performers (pity?).
I went back later in the week. No stage was set up - good! Mellow crowd - Excellent! Yummy Walleye special - Fabulous!!! As I started to relax with a tall, frosty Leinie, the boombox behind the bar began to play.
Comica said...
Daw, it's hard to express love in terms of folk music. Props to them for the attempt! ;)
I never knew Wisconsin had so much to offer until you came along. Vielen Dank mein gelehrter Freund!
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