Easily Amused
Sometimes the cynic in me is overwhelmed. My icy crust of irony dissolves into giggles over silly TV comedy sketches or a Fred Bassett comic strip. I have a friend who once worked for a National Public Radio personality, I asked him what his job entailed and he simply replied: "Making Papa laugh." Perhaps that concept is the origin of all comedy. Papa is happy, nobody gets hurt. The court jester- magnified a hundred million times. We're all Bozos on this bus! Laughing to keep from crying. What's so funny? What is the secret of TIMING IS THE SECRET OF COMEDY comedy?
I declare that sometimes my mental age is about eight. When I am unable to laugh anymore, then I'll be
Comica said...
Abbott and Costello...
Laurel and Hardy...
Martin and Lewis...
I always used these six to get me going, though honestly I could look at a wall and find something funny about it to share.
Being easily tickled is the only way to live!
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