Monday, October 03, 2005

White Food

The weaver and I socialized Sunday...A cod dinner sponsored by the Icelandic-American Association of Minnesota. The food was white, of course. Anyone who has not spent a lot of time with Scandinavians may think I exaggerate. No. The bulk of the food was very light in color, only a hint of green in the cole slaw, some ashy-white flat bread; the new potatoes had a red skin, of course, but were in the main white. The cod was a luminous, glowing white. Rice pudding for dessert, naturally.
There must be some subconscious yearning in the Scandinavian soul for purity, if not in thought and deed, at least symbolized in the food they eat. Lefse, lutefisk (Cod that has been 'improved' with the addition of LYE) krumkakkas, fish soup, the list goes on and on.

And I love it all. (Excepting the lutefisk.)

By Professor Batty


Blogger lab munkay said...

White is the scandinavian black. I love lutifisk (libia culla) with lots of cream sauce and white pepper. And vodka.

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