Friday, May 09, 2008

On the Revolutionary Trail

"You say you want a revolution, we all want to see the plan..."

- John Lennon

Tonight's search, inspired by Rose's post, brings us to this futuristic edifice. We are searching for a document of the greatest importance, part of a larger body of work that is revolutionary in scope and is destined to conquer the world...

Karl Marx did much of his seminal work in the Library of the British Museum, this is an equally auspicious place, as well...

... strolling through the stacks, the "Vibes" become stronger and stronger, it won't be much longer now...

... Eureka! The revolution is growing, one institution at a time...

By Professor Batty


Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Ha! You got me. My first thought was, "wow! what a coincidence!" OK, so I'm a bit naive.
In any case, excellent idea. A simple but effective technique which we should implement everywhere.
The Anoka Library is quite attractive!
As soon as I post sailing trilogy #2 (which I have finished reading) I will start making progress with Brimnes.

Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Nice pictures, too. I like the way you can see the horizon/prairie. Makes me a bit nostalgic for Iowa.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... it is a beautiful site, a site which, thanks to the downturn in the real estate market, should remain that way for awhile longer... the library has a copy of Iceland's Bell as well- I take it out every 6 months or so so they don't "retire" it...

Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

OOOH, you know those librarian secrets, don't you! Another positive step to being subversive.

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