Who Will Buy?
The often-threatened Flippist World Headquarters™ garage sale is now a few steps closer to reality. Although its main thrust will be the purging of guitars and related musical paraphernalia, there will also be a large amount of other items of the peculiar persuasion. Hopefully there are still a few souls out there that are still into acquiring material possessions.
While the market for crystal radios may have peaked about 90 years ago, no retro-tech nerd could resist this little beauty:

More esoteric items include electronic test equipment:

And my vintage tube amp is also up for grabs:

As well as numerous gizmos and speakers:

Perhaps the most unusual item will be this Lava Lamp™ replacement bottle, the perfect gift for those devotees whose original tube has gone bad.
Maybe a Lava Lamp™ repairman would want it?
The sale will be June 7th, 8th and 9th, 10-4.
Cash only.
Saturday’s deal: buy any two items and get an equal or lesser priced item free!
Sunday’s deal: buy any one item, get another item of equal or lesser value free!!
Be there or be a chair! (There will be chairs for sale too!)
Mary said...
Professor Batty said...
Batty - PM me the notice from Craigslst or wherever you put it and I will put something on the surfguitar101.com forum. Probably are members in your area that might be interested....
Great idea! I've got a couple of "surfy" items.
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