Good 'N' Tasty
People often taste some morsel, smack their lips, and say ‘Mm-mm-mm that's good!’
Now, if one were to use the theological meaning of GOOD, as opposed to EVIL, perhaps one might choose a different word - tasty. Some examples:
Crispy, greasy pork rinds… tasty, but hardly good.
Oatmeal… good, but not very tasty.
Salted pretzels… tasty, yes! Good,no.
Communion wafers… Good with a capital G. Tasty? No, nowhere near.
Coca-Cola… tasty, tasty, tasty.
Cod liver oil… need I say more?
Perhaps you have a favorite (or loathsome) food that fits either definition?
Professor Batty said...
Yes indeed! How can one tell? It's so hard to "eat right" - depending upon which set(s) of criteria one uses.
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