Sunday, December 19, 2004

Common Law Wife

In another lifetime, I was in what used to be called a “common-law marriage”. What the heck–we were young, shared some interests, and we both needed to get out of our existing family situations. Some things about it were good: cheap rent, no TV (not even a telephone for a couple of years!) and similar senses of humor. The problem that emerged after a while was lack of growth in the personal relationship department (i.e. sex.) I tried to make a go of it, but after a while (four years!) it was pretty apparent that it was not to be. She was fairly comfortable with this living arrangement. I was miserable. I found a lover. She still stayed. Finally I insisted that we split, she moved out, and we both moved on.

Later I heard that she had “changed sides” in her sexual orientation. I TURNED HER INTO A LESBIAN! Well, maybe not. I never had that effect on anyone else before or since; I think she just hadn’t thought about it when she “shacked up” with me.

Is lesbianism the trend of the future?

I think that a lot of women who would have been inhibited in a different era will be more open to the opportunity. Conversely, if you aren't “wired” that way, I do’t think anything will change your perspective. The dynamic in men is somewhat different, I suppose. In this, as in many things, men are more polarized and volatile. Still, regardless of what orientation you opt for, you have to enjoy some kind of relationship with another person. I won't even comment on multiple partners or “open” arrangements. That issue is almost beyond discussion.

People get into relationships to fulfill human needs. If it works, it’s good. If it doesn’t work, it’s not so good. What is bad is not being honest with yourself—life is too short to spend years in pointless frustration.

By Professor Batty


Blogger lab munkay said...

*nodding her head in agreement* I find some woman very attractive and have had "crushes" on other girls before but have been programmed through up bringing and those marrage commitments not to act on them. Though put me in a private room with Angelina Jolie for an extended period of time with enought hard liquore (for her), and I might change my tune.

Blogger Little Miss Loopy said...

I know a lot of girls who've said the exact same thing about Angelina Jolie, including myself.....

Blogger Comica said...

Everybody has some sort of infatuation with Angelina Jolie.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

...Hmmmm...No I think I should still hold out for Johnny Depp...;-)

Blogger lab munkay said...

One of my favorite quotes of all time is when Barbra Walters asked Angelina why she wore a vial of her boyfriends blood around her neck. Her reply, "Your young, your in love, your in bed, you got knives, s**t happens." Now thats some crazy fun.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

...we'll return to The Lesbian Fantasy Chat Room after these messages...;-)

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