Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tis' The Season...

... to be frantic, Oh My God, My God, My God, My God. No time to blog… must shop for five meals in four days… buy groceries… new record for $ spent… bring home… drop bag… put away… cook almond-breaded walleye fillets for office party tomorrow… don't forget the blackberry-ginger-teriyaki sauce!… think about the dinner tomorrow night with nephews, brother-in-law and his ana girlfriend (“its OK - she won't eat much”)… then family Christmas Eve dinner Friday night... followed by Christmas Day dinner with my sisters and their broods… 300 mile round trip…then #1 son to the airport 4 a.m. Sunday morning then 500 mile round trip to sister-in-law’s place for another dinner… help me… I think that I have the holiday madness licked, but I never really do… anyway…


By Professor Batty


Blogger lab munkay said...


Roses are red,
holly and ivy, white and green.
Flippism is one of the most eloquent blogs I've ever seen.
Merry Christmas happy holiday travels my internet friend.
I always look forward you your posting again.

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