Monday, January 17, 2005


Maybe it was the 100+ hours below zero (-18 C.). Perhaps it was working on #2 son’s car outdoors in the fore-mentioned temperature. Perhaps it was due to just getting over a nasty two-week cold, and then getting another. The Weaver wants to go somewhere on spring break, and we've already done the Boundary Waters and Iceland. “Somewhere warm this time.” It is not negotiable. A few clicks on the ‘net and my problem is solved: Hawaii. As I check my e-mail for a confirmation there are two messages from the only person I know in Hawaii! Pictures of her frolicking with a rhinoceros! She wrote that she would introduce us. I don’t get that opportunity every day. Maybe it will be this fall for Iceland...

By Professor Batty


Blogger Lady of the lake said...

Sir Prof. Batty. I've been waiting (trying to be patient) for my ticket to arrive and it still has not come. I KNOW you would not forget me. Do you think you should request a copy? ( Don't tell me you'll have to smuggle me to Hawaii)!

Blogger Professor Batty said...

...that WOULD be Hawaii with THREE of my favorite people...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, give her my regards, and remember, they are very high regards.

I have had over 30 jobs, and she is one of the few co-workers I have ever missed.


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