So close yet so far...the cuter half of the Olson Twins came into work today with a big smile. "Guess who I saw Saturday?" As is my wont, I was clueless...Godzilla? O.J. Simpson? The cookie monster? I knew that she had been volunteering at the Walker Art Center, which was reopening after a multimillion dollar expansion... " It was (Certain Icelandic International Superstar)!" I had spent Saturday remodeling the Flippist Studio, listening to the afore-alluded to (CIIS), not dreaming that she was less that 20 minutes away, with her son and her famous-artist lover (who had work exhibited) in tow, hob-nobing with the hoi-polloi inside some high-concept architecture. "And I spoke to her!" ...continued Ms. Olson; " She asked me what time it was!"
Well. Some people have all the luck! I swallowed my jealousy and said, "That's nice..." I missed out this time, maybe she'll come back to Minnesota again (it was ten years since she had been here last - the nearest she came on her last tour was Colorado).
Of course, my ridiculous infatuation is completely misplaced. I respect her too much as a person to ever dream of insinuating myself into her presence. If she ever did speak to me I'd just stand there and stammer anyway. .
I've often wondered about the fascination I have for her and her music: its uniqueness, the depth of emotion, the intimacy, the poetry, its composition. I don't get that way about any other recording artist. It may well be that there has never been another like her. Certainly others have written better songs, some can sing as well, many have greater stage prescence, but few, if any combine all these things with the direct honesty and willingness to expose her innermost thoughts that she has show us in so many ways.
Comica said...
Unknown said...
Lola said...
Human Behavior, Big Time Sensuality, Hidden Place, Aurora, Pluto, Venus as a Boy...
what's not to love?
I see her every now and again. I've exchanged words with her and her famous artist boyfriend. And I know for a fact that she does some domestic duties with stuff I sold to her. I guess there are some perks being an Icelander.
We all know why you love her. She is so cool! We are mesmerized by her as well. We watch her creativity unfold and feel our creative natures opening up as well.
I must say that I will never meet her here in Victoria, BC, Canada so you are very, very lucky!
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