Saturday, April 30, 2005

Spring Cleaning

My, how the clutter does pile up! OR, what was I thinking?!
To dispose of this mess, I will attempt to free my brain of these pointless thoughts that have be rattling around in my dusty cranium all winter. Here goes:
Ornaments: Shiny, Christmasy, poigant reminders of childhood. Hurt like crazy when stepped upon while barefoot on Xmas morning...
Vagus Nerve: A big old nerve that runs around in your body and helps you throw up and have an orgasm. Not at the same time. Well, maybe once. (We won't be discussing that incident today.)
You Smell So Good: You know who you are...
Sebum: Some things about being human are not talked about much...probably for a reason...See previous entry...
Urine Donor: What was once an absurd Monty Python skit is now reality, I am not making this stuff up...another fun thing about being human...
Nice Cars, Mean Cars: Nice - Civic. Mean - Viper. Nice - Accord. Mean - Matador. You get the idea, now forget I ever brought it up. I'm trying to...
Blogger's Block: You're looking at it...
"Lingonberries! The Musical!": I had better stop now...

Whew! I feel better. Not nearly so much worthless noise in my head. ..Just remember...tonight...when you are trying to fall asleep......sebum...sebum...sebum...

By Professor Batty


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pronunciation: 'sE-b&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, tallow, grease
: fatty lubricant matter secreted by sebaceous glands of the skin

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