Monday, June 20, 2005


The local Catholic Church ended its "Summerfest" last night. What used to be a funky, family affair, has turned into another bland carnival, with low rent rides and professional carneys hustling the gulllible. Most of the special touches are gone, there just aren't many little old ladies left to bake home-made pies. The rustic games of chance are long gone, replaced by the same ones you see in dozens of other little fairs. But for many of the kids, it is still new, still a little scary, with chances to try things for the first time. The merry-go-round, with sculpted horses in contorted poses, give the younger ones cause for a little nervousness, with many kids looking around for mom, just in case.

With a world of computer games, movies with special effects, and non-stop cable TV, how can a local carnival compete? The real fund-raising is made in the Beer and Bingo tents, with help from pull-tabs and lotteries. Can't buy a thrill, but a little Budweiser and a few dollars winnings can get you a little closer to heaven, I guess...

By Professor Batty


Blogger Comica said...

It's funny you mention the carnival, because the night before my birthday, I happened upon one while I was driving my friend and me to dinner.

We eagerly rode the carousel when a rude carney informed us that we weren't the proper age to ride it anymore.

Have you ever ridden on one of the carnival's trademark rides: The Pirate Ship? It sways back and forth providing the rider with a sense of drunken flying, which I'm sure is what pirates would have enjoyed.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

...I get that sense of drunken flying on a porch swing...

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