Saturday, June 18, 2005

Happy, Happy Birthday!

One distingushing feature of Minnesota culture is the fact that there is a 'special' Happy Birthday song.

Not the usual Happy Birthday To You, but another, with a completely different tune and lyric. It is always amusing when an ‘outsider’ attends a Birthday party here for the first time and everyone sings THE OTHER song. It was written by Jim Robbins and popularized by the late Roger Awsumb, who was the host of a children's television show Lunch With Casey, wherein he portrayed the legendary train conductor Casey Jones. ‘Casey’ would take time out from his job as a busy railroad engineer to have a video-lunch with the children of the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St.Paul) metro area. He would usually have a sandwich, perhaps some soup, and finish it all off with a Hostess Twinkie® or a Hostess Cupcake® (a sponsor of the show).

At the end of the show he would scroll a list of all the children who sent in their birth dates, while this song played in the background:

Happy happy birthday
to every girl and boy.
Hope this very special day
brings you lots of joy.

Hope this birthday presents
you get from Mom and Dad
will make this very special day
the best you ever had

Happy Birthday!

By Professor Batty


Blogger lab munkay said...

Happy Birthday Ms Ack! You share this special day with my Hubby. In your and Hubby's honor, I'm gonna eat a Cupcake and a Twinkie and try to sing him that song. (To see if he rewmembers it and spit crumbs all over him.) Thanks for the idea Batty.

Blogger Comica said...

Thank you, Thank you ALL for your tremendous support, although I've lacked in blogs as of late. Ms. Munkay, I'm honored to share a birthday with your hubby. I ate plenty of burnt marshmellows today at a bonfire on his behalf and mine! Then I ate a piece of caramel cheesecake in honor of my blogging mentor, The Batster! I owe you loads of gratitude.

Also, never eat a fried twinkie. I made the mistake of doing that once, and it's definitely not the same as the good ole-fashioned kind!

Blogger lab munkay said...

Batty, I sang that song to Hubby over dinner at the Glockenspiel in St. Paul. He got the funnyest look on his face and stoped chewing his vienersnitzel and said, "Woman! How do YOU know that Casey Jones song? That show was on before you were around?" Thanks again.

Blogger Comica said...

Idn't that just catchy?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephen! I looked up the lyrics to the birthday song, and what link should appear? Why, to this page of course! hahaha xx Valerie

Blogger Professor Batty said...

My path to world domination continues…

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