This year, I actually bought some fireworks. Why? To recapture my lost childhood? To celebrate our nation's independence? To start the garage on fire? To annoy my neighbors? No, no, no, and no.
I will use them to perform some white magick.
These fireworks are of the "fountain of sparks" variety. On each wrapper I will write a word, along with a name. My intention is that as the pyrotechnic display erupts, it will take the "curse" the word represents and consume it, thus freeing the person named on it.
Good luck. I am not responsible if your garage starts on fire.
Tykho said...
Comica said...
Anonymous said...
Thanks Batty!
I was sitting on a blanket in Byrd Park, or to be more specific, Dogwood Dell, for the annual 4th of July celebration. The Richmond Symphony played all sorts of tunes, even some Looney Tunes, and there was a terrible Elvis impersonator.
You couldn't see one patch of grass in the park because it was so crowded. "So that's the effect fireworks have on people" I thought to myself. There was a delay (about an hour) on those fireworks, and I saw several children crying and parents cursing.
When suddenly...BOOM! That's probably the best display I've ever seen (it was even better than the show I saw in D.C. a couple of years ago).
Anyways, I do something called "Dedications". Every time a firework explodes, I dedicate it to something or someone I love.
I made sure to dedicate several fireworks to Flippism is the Key, it's writers and readers.
P.S. I wondered why my sense of loneliness dissipated so suddenly! ;)
If I am the Dan in your white magic... it did't work, but thanks for the effort.
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