Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Play's The Thing

I'll be on my best behavior this week. The eldest son is coming home, coming home with his "girlfriend". This might be the real thing. In this age of eternal engagements, (or perpetual co-habitation) that might be wishful thinking on my part, but still, it is something. They'll be going up to the Boundary Waters this week-end with a couple of other neo-voyageurs.

Actually, I've met her before (my psychologist brother-in-law even examined her and declared her free of "billable issues") so this isn't exactly a new situation, still, I find myself thinking: "You might have this person involved in your life for the foreseeable future, so watch how you act and think before you speak." As the pater familia, I find myself slowing morphing into a new role; it's not that I am the ruler of a dynasty, it's just that I will be in a different role in this play that is my life.

I'll be cooking for them tonight, and if that isn't high drama, it may be low comedy. Either way, the stage is set. The houselights dim, the curtain rises, Act III, Scene I opens, the actors enter, the action commences...

By Professor Batty


Blogger Comica said...

I wish my mother and brother #1 behaved this way whenever I choose to have male company in their presence. Normally, it's bring out the assault weapons and try to intimidate the lad into backing away from me slowly...

If only they were from pacifistic Minnesota...

Blogger Alda said...

If you're feeling apprehensive, I guarantee she's even more nervous... Good luck!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative blog.

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