full of oneself
it started with a hangnail... a little nibble, not much meat to it, but with a dash of salt, not half bad. next was the pinky finger, some honey-mustard sauce and an injection of novocaine, went down really smooth... needed a little help from a food processor for the legs, very tasty with minced garlic and ginger, simmered till yummy. buttocks braised in butter and onions, made all those tears worth it... ribs of course, done kc style, plenty garlic on those too. used the intestines for casing for the rest, and had hot dogs for a week. manage to eat the tongue, and brains too- didn't need them anymore- only the lips left, when i finish this bite i'll be all gone...
Comica said...
lab munkay said...
Alda said...
Iceland Eyes said...
I'll never bite my nails again...
Now that sounds like a can-i-ball.
you read that Stephen King short about the doctor stuck on a desert island with nothing but his kit bag in which there is a scalpel, a journal and a pen? His last entry (written with his mouth!) made me gag...
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