Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanks Given For Large Favors

When I worked with bands in bars in the late 70's and early 80's, there was one holiday that you did not want to work.


Think about it. The only people who went out on Thanksgiving were people without friends or family, or who were outcasts from same. Not a pretty crowd. That being said, if you did well on Thanksgiving, you would probably get asked back- for Christmas night!

The worst was a place called The Cabooze. Here's a hint to judging drinking establishments: If the name of the place has some vulgar reference to liquor in it, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. Truth in advertising, you might say. A bar full of losers, loners and misfits- a sure-fire recipe for holiday frivolity.

This reminds me of some of the other fine watering holes in this area, past and present:

The Viking Bar has had a consistent clientle for the last thirty years, the same crowd, and they aren't looking any better after thirty years. They've added approriate live music awhile back- blues, blues and more blues.

Moby Dick's (now demolished) was so hard-core that, as legend has it, any A.A. member having a "sobriety pin" could swap it for a free drink—and the wall behind the cash register held hundreds.

Palmer's Bar is the champ. Open for Breakfast, 365 days a year. No food served. If you just couldn't wait until 10 or 11 a.m., you can go here. Professional drinkers only, amateurs and dilettantes need not apply.

I've been fortunate. I managed to avoid being sucked into that mælstrom. So I give thanks for that, and wish the best for those who have not, and are doing their "bit" to keep decadence and despair alive.

By Professor Batty


Blogger lab munkay said...

Only place worse than a dive bar on a holiday is a rehab center. "Please please please keep me from working another one." Next year I'm slipping brandy in the sweet potatoes. Happy Thanksgiving Batty.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You for got the best of the worst, Stand Up Franks. "Where Drunks Go To Die". And, yes you are lucky and should be greatful you were not "Chosen" as one who is wrapped up in the messy package called alcoholism. Those of us who have crawled out of that crappy bag, know that there is much to be thankful for on this day. And a note to Munkay, please don't fix the taters, believe it or not there are a few great people sitting at that table. They deserve a chance to taste the food for once. I am most thankful for my family on Thanksgiving having been blessed with the smartest and most creative bunch of siblings I have ever seen congregated in one family.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

...I only left out Stand Up Franks because they won't serve you when you can't stand up anymore...

Blogger kindredband said...

Catharine's dorm is very close to the Viking Bar. It's been closed for a long time, with "Gone Fishing" displayed on the marquee. After I told her about some of the great bands I'd seen there, Eleanore said it was sad to see it slip into decay.

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