Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fine, I won't walk around at night...

The rain had begun to fall. Luckily, I was wearing the new rain jacket and was apathetic. In fact, the jaunt now had purpose. Let the rain wash away my restlessness and let the jacket catch the extra droplets of relief. The bars on West Main were hopping most metaphorically, and thanks to a sharp eye, I know where to catch one of my former professors in case I have a question on the shapes of galaxies or wormholes (sometimes I do, y'know).

It's Finals Week here, but you couldn't tell with the number of college students skipping to and fro to various apartments, smelling of Miller Lite, Jack Daniels, and that once deceased Bohemian spirit, now urbanized and modernized. The atmosphere was pretty carefree. It was like the night before a festival, and only the rain hinted otherwise (rain normally comes the day of festivals)...

People on their cell phones, some with Slurpees,and others with girlfriends. Truly fascinating spectacles for a Monday night romp.

I had just gotten to the section of West Main where I'm between FanTastic Thrift and Family Dollar, and the rain fell harder. A luxurious car was slowing down as the others were speeding past, and I knew what was coming. First came the greeting.

Three males, obviously out of towners seeking a bit of fun.

"HEY! Do you know where the strip bars are at?!"

"No, I'm sorry I can't help you there!"

"Where are YOU going? We stopped to talk to you!"

"I'm just out for a walk!"

"Where are you from?"

"Oh five hours away from here."

"Oh, we're farther away than that. We're from California!"

"What are you doing all the way over here then?"

"We came to D.C. and we thought we'd drive through here!"

"Ah, I see!"

"Do ya' need a ride?"

"Oh no, I'm fine, thank you though!"

"Are you suuuure?"

"Yes, yes. I'm just out for a stroll."

"You need a ride to that home five hours away?"

"No, no. I'm fine, I'm fine really! Thank you! Go have fun!"

The driver didn't look older than 16, so it was tough for me to take them seriously. I felt so much older than him. He had a light, cheery voice, whereas his comrades looked to be in their late twenties.

I continued on my walk, not giving the three a second thought. I was approaching another intersection when I saw that same luxurious car pull out from a side street, and zoom off. At first, I thought they had finally found a bar to their liking, but then I realized that wasn't the case. I saw the car keep going into the distance, but it was slowing down.

West Main is a one way street, so I decided not to finish my romp, but to turn around and go back the way I came.

The rain stopped the moment I turned around, and campus was soon in sight again.

Lesson learned.

By Comica


Blogger Professor Batty said...

...and so the three stooges' freedom to drive around in a gas guzzler and harasss women squelches your freedom to enjoy a healthy walk...grr.

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