When my laptop died (is five years too soon or not soon enough?) I was forced to make a decision. My options:
1. Fix the old one- With a major motherboard-CPU repair, that seemed pointless.
2. Go down to Best Buy and get a cheesy PC- Just like my work environment- (shudder.)
3. Quit home computers altogether- And give up the daily scintillating insights from my Significant Others? Not bloodly likely. (You know who you are.)
4. Bite the bullet and get a new Mac. OK, and done. Triple the machine (vÃs-a-vÃs my old iBook) thrice the memory, thrice the hard drive, sextuple the speed, uses the OS that I like, and no mouse. Track pads aren't for everybody, and I do have have a mouse if I really need it, I just find that a small notebook computer is so cozy and the pad (now with EXCITING TWO FINGER ACTION) completes the picture. It does have a built-in camera, however, which I promise to use sparingly.
Which leaves me waiting a week or two, sneaking in on my son's computer ("Don't change anything!") and $1600 poorer. I would have one by now, but the local Apple stores didn't have the configuration I wanted (in fact, they were out of a lot of items- it was pandemonium in there, did I hear someone say that Apple is dead?), I'd rather just get it directly.
Comica said...
Professor Batty said...
I, myself, have been toying with the idea of taking a bite out of Apple when my laptop becomes too senile to function anymore (we're approaching our 3rd anniversary of being together).
However, I am scared of wading out into foreign waters, but then again I haven't the money yet to get to the beach.
For now, Acer is my ocean, the laptop an ancient rowboat that gets me from one shore to another. is a good time to wait...with Windows Vista coming next year and Mac/Intel compatability a reality, the next 12 months should be very interesting...
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