Warp Speed
After two years of barely getting by at work, the return of an old account has pushed my work workload to overdrive. The question arises: "Is too much work better than not enough?" Well, yes, barely. I won't have the luxury of imagining myself on the street corner, dressed in shabby clothes, with a cardboard sign that reads: "Will Photoshop For Food" as passer-bys throw unwanted negatives, image CDs or USB jump drives into my hat. The business cycle has finally (after six years!) turned around. Or it may be that so many of our competitors have gone under that our shop is the "last man standing". So, this ink-jet stained wretch has managed to survive to print another day. Only 16 years until I have to start spending my IRA. Yippee.
Lady of the lake said...
Being TOTALLY selfish, I am SO happy to hear about your workload. Being a student of yours, I want to be sure I know where my Professor can be found.
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