"Simple Meals Are Best...
... and if that is indeed the case, this is the best meal yet. Two-fer-one breaded shrimp, fresh out of a box, precooked, just heat, eat, and pretend to enjoy...hmmm forgot to buy vegetables at the store...how's about some yummy corn, fresh out of a frost-covered box- this meal is turning out heavy on the yellow foods- and if that corn is great, then how about some corn chips- making it even better...and yellow as well...ok, ok, I found something green in the back of the fridge, but that 5 month old sour cream is going straight into the garbage- even I have some limits...here we are! dill pickles- what's that you say, you won't eat anything so obviously phallic? They're only baby dills- uncut- I suppose if we drank enough wine, this meal would start to taste pretty good; that's a new hobby that's best not started..."
Lady of the lake said...
Professor, just think. In six weeks you won't be thinking about the yellow boxed food! Maybe the wine but not the food. :)
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