Bewildered Batty
The e-mail triggered it. It was a note from the place where I had reserved an apartment while at the IcelandAirWaves music festival. I had been "bumped" into a better one, in a different location (Garðastræti 40), across from the Russian Embassy. Cool. And then the wild thoughts began: "ohmygodimgoingtobethereinaweekandihaventgottenready
Snap out of it, Batty. You've done this trip twice before, with far less planning and still managed to have a great time. You can really be a real worry-wart, you know. Your travel gear is nearly ready, your clothes are set, just relax and enjoy it. Iceland is fabulous, you'll do just fine, and almost everybody there is Lutheran (excepting the pagans, of course.)
RS said...
Comica said...
Anonymous said...
Professor Batty said...
Anonymous said...
Cool study! This was nice, seeing you in your habitat. I can see myself on your wall, along with the other Flippism members.
Look! There we all are! and Look at you in your trendy/rustic/ultra hip refuge.
Do you ever take that guitar down from the wall and pick a little tune?
Is your study alway this tidy? How can you find anything in there?
You do know what they say about a clean desk, don't you, dear?
About coming to Iceland, wear something windproof. The autumn winds have arrived.
...Reshma, sorry about the Tequila picture, I just had to use it...
...Comica, yes, I do torture that guitar from time to time (if you look carefully you'll notice that you're up on the wall three times, in your various disguises)...
...KristĂn, I'll be ready for Niceland, it was colder and just as windy in Minnesota today... my desk is usually somewhat neater...
...Everybody- the pictures on the wall are to remind me that there are real people out there in blogland, I hope my rantings can help make their days a bit brighter...
Uh, sorry, the joke was that it's impossible to find anything on a desk this tidy - I don't hold with tidy desks myself, for the main reason that I never manage to keep my own desk tidy for more than five minutes straight...
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