Endless Summer - Summer's End
Wheresoever I goeth, summer follows, or so it seems. Today it was in the mid 70's, I mowed the lawn for the last time- with the bagger on the mower to collect the chopped leaves for mulch. My latent agrarian instincts emerged and the final harvest has been completed- I'm done with gardening for the year. After I put the mower away and was admiring my vacuumed estate, the wind picked up, the temps started to drop, as well as more leaves from the neighbor's trees. Those leaves will have to wait until April, leaf mold be dammed. Now where did I store the snow shovels?
Sharon Spotbottom said...
Professor, the summer has been lingering and following this year indeed.
And the leaves turning and falling in the warm sunshine has been brilliant.
Nooo not the dreaded snow shovel!!! :)
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