Christmas 2006
The new year finds me in a bit of a quandary about continuing FITK- at the very least there will be some noticeable changes. Regular readers may have noticed a wider format to facilitate larger images. I probably won't be publishing on week-ends anymore as it seems that most of my regular readers read while at work. (And just who is that person from Valspar? Or the reader in the Houses of Parliament in the UK?) The ebb and flow of blogging has affected many of my regular "reads" as well, we'll just have to see how it goes- maybe blogging has "peaked" after all?
“Tuesdays with Reshma”, which has been a regular feature for most of the year, will also end. She may contribute on her own (she’s always welcome here), and I must thank her profusely - her writing has really broadened the scope of this blog. I must also thank all of my Icelandic correspondents. Their sharing of their lives and their reflections on the entire Icelandic culture has given me an education that no book or class could ever hope to match. You know who you are- and I thank you.
There have been some new links in the sidebar- Annie and Sharon have been hilarious and thought-provoking on a regular basis, I thank you both.
And, of course, no year-end wrap-up would be complete without mentioning Audi, Comica and Munkay, who have been linked from the very start and continue to expand my world on a regular basis. There won't be any posts from the Professor until the New Year, but there will be one more Tuesday visit from Reshma tomorrow...
Sharon Spotbottom said...
RS said...
RS said...
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
lab munkay said...
Comica said...
Happy Holidays Prof B,
Thank you for checking in on Sharon and being part of the art with your comments (always enjoyed and appreciated tho rarely acknowledged in print)
Best wishes for the New Year.
Well, what does one say.
I was both proud and happy to be a part of this blog, it was the only 'group blog' (can one call this that?) I ever belonged to.
I've spent a considerable amount of time thinking what it could be that draws people from cultures as different as Iceland and India. I guess underneath all the geographical and cultural divides, we're all humans, and our joys, sorrows, doubts and worries are what unite us.
Thank YOU for opening up my world, Professor. It has been lovely, to say the least.
And a very happy new Year to everyone around.
Happy New Year to all of you, too.
PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE come back soon. I'm tweakin bad for my Batty fix here.
Though I seldom, if ever, contribute, I am always grateful to be a "listener" to such enlightened minds so that someday, I will have the courage to use my own voice.
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