Wednesday, February 14, 2007


"This is DJ Batty comin' at ya from 100,000 watt clear channel station FITK, with Valentine greetings to all my listeners around the world. I just wanted to let you know that this Nutty Professor hasn't forgotten you, that his FLIPPIST LOVE MOJO is beaming out across the ether, on its way to gladden hearts near and far! Goin' out west to sunny Santa Rosa, California, then all the way across the Pacific ocean to Chennai, India. Broadcasting east to a lovely Latin scholar (in the state for lovers), and on to that SPECIAL LOVE ROCK in the North Atlantic... BATTY'S LOVE CHARMS are spanning the globe! Can you FEEL THE LOVE? If you can, just smile. YOU'VE GOT IT BABE! I'll be spinning all your romantic favorites, Barry White's cued up on the turntable, I'VE GOT MORE LOVE HITS, MORE LOVE LOVE, MORE OF THAT SPECIAL LOVE GLOW, DIRECT FROM THE FLIPPIST LOVE STUDIOS IN DOWNTOWN ANOKA LOVE MINNESOTA..."

...we will be right back after this word from our sponsor...

By Professor Batty


Blogger lab munkay said...


Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

I grew up in Santa Rosa, California! Sure surprised me to see that in your blog! And my nephew is moving to St. Paul in 5 days (from sunny Los Angeles)--maybe you can arrange some good weather for he and his wife!

Blogger Comica said...

I've always hated February 14th, but this gave me a chortle I won't soon forget.

Thanks Professor. :)

Blogger RS said...

Thanks so much. Wish you a very happy valentine's Day too!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do know you are slightly insane, right?

Thank you :)

Blogger Móðir, kona, meyja said...

Damn, I was going to say that!

Blogger Sharon Spotbottom said...

Hey i grew up in sunny Santa Rosa too! Batty r u psychic?

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Lab Munkay- :) comin' right back at ya...

Rose- they must have named it after you...

Comica- chortle away m'dear...

RS- you're most welcome...

LML- As usual, you are 100% correct...

Kristín- but you knew that already...

Sharon Spotbottom- oh, just a lucky guess (and a peek at my sitemeter)...

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