Þetta Er Allt Að Koma
Things are going great! For the first time in memory we, and all of our children, and all of our siblings and all of their significant others are gainfully employed. Our youngest has moved out, we'll have a new roof over our heads soon, spring is finally here and ...
... what? The sum total of human happiness is not measured by my yardstick. There are still the great miseries of war, famine and disease. And there are still the small miseries of betrayal, violence and heartbreak. Love is grand until its not. Life is good until fate steps in.
Maybe all we can be is thankful for small favors.
Maybe all we'll ever have is one good day.
It's the possibility of another that keeps us going...
RS said...
Oh this was absolutely beautiful!
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
Absolutely! And isn't that a good philosophy to live your life by.
Sharon Spotbottom said...
you are the snow buddha.
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
A new roof, or a New Roof? We are searching for a New Roof.
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