Five reasons why I blog - a meme
-via Gary
Perhaps this should be titled "Why I continue to blog"
#1. Mental gymnastics. Lots of thinking involved: problem solving, learning, exploring. The absolute opposite of watching television.
#2. Getting "out of the house" -the house being my brain and all the notions it develops to make things comfortable. The world is a big place, and the people in it often have different and challenging perspectives.
#3. Getting to know other people. The world is a big place, but the people in it have a lot more in common than I originally thought.
#4. To see how my posts will turn out- I always have a beginning but seldom have a planned ending.
#5. Girls. Girls are great, this I cannot deny. You know who you are! (and thanks for the interaction!)
Tagging: the usual suspects.
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
Reetsyburger said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Professor Batty said...
Comica said...
Blokes aren't that bad, either.
Hey! I am girl!
At first I thought KristÃn said "books aren't all that bad either." Choices, choices.
KristÃn- turnabout is fair play, I suppose...
Reetsy- Never doubted it...
Rose- I guess it all depends on your mood as to which you'd rather curl up with...
I like having both around at the end of the day. Pleasure overload!
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