Paradise Lost
Sunset Over Poplar Lake, Near The Gunflint Trail, Minnesota, July 2006
The spiritual center of Minnesota is on fire. A large fire, perhaps overdue, has taken many square miles of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in the last week, and is still out of control. It could burn for weeks, and if there are no heavy rains, months. The BWCAW is a place of natural beauty, few people who travel there leave untouched by a sense of its natural spirit. It just is, and it has inspired generations of people who feel a need to make a connection to the land and water, unchanged by human touch. Even the rocks of the area are ancient, billions of years old.
I've written here about my timid sojourns there, last summer was spent among the pines and swamps in places that have burned, or may yet burn. I'm almost afraid to check the evening news tonight for I already know that today was a bad day.
Can one pray for a forest?
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
Reetsyburger said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Professor Batty said...
Comica said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Molly said...
Of course you can pray for a forest. It's a part of the environment, innit.
I topsoiled, dug, replanted, planted and watered yesterday. That was my prayer.
Don't think we didn't notice that you're trying to mess with our minds. I've taken enough art classes to know that you don't paint upside down ;-) Or maybe the elves are working on your painting at night?
KristÃn- WWJD?
Reetsy- Spring gardening- hope springs eternal...
Rose- Actually, I was putting a wash over the foreground sidewalk and turned it upside down to get it to wrap around the bottom... it's Flippism!
I assumed that the painting was upside down to see who was paying attention to the right side of Flippism...or that you thought that the painting resembled an imperial starfighter going into hyperspace that way (like I did...).
Like reetsyburger, I'm taking special care of my Pansy and African violet and thinking good thoughts.
Comica, That's pretty funny! You are right, too! PB, please give us some good news on the fire front.
Just stumbled on your blog...
I live far south of the fire, but in Minnesota, and it's amazing to see the smudge of the bluffs when the sun is so bright. The smoke from the fire has drifted this far.
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