Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mr. Polsfuss

Last week contained the 92nd birthday anniversary of Lester Polsfuss. Lester is a musician of some success; as would be expected, his days of topping the charts were many years ago (although he recently released a Grammy Award winning CD.) He was also responsible for many improvements in the design of musical instruments and recording apparatus (The Smithsonian wants his home studio.) In the Nineteen thirties, he played country music by day (see photo above) and jammed with all the top jazz musicians at night. He has performed with Nat Cole, Bing Crosby (#1 hit), Chet Atkins (another Grammy award), Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton and many, many guitarists, most of whom will gladly admit that they've stolen freely from his vast array of signature licks.

But Lester's greatest contribution is to Pop Music. His songs were fun. They had outlandish arrangements, were almost novelty tunes at times, but were always founded on a deep, joyous musical understanding. Lester always enjoys meeting with fans and is often found playing at the Iridium, a Jazz club in New York City, as he did Monday. I didn't get the chance to be there, but then I've already got his autograph.

In fact, I've got two of them, but one is on the headstock of one of my guitars:
Les Paul

By Professor Batty


Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

You got me! I didn't know his real name...;-)
Glad your baby (Mac) is back.

Blogger Móðir, kona, meyja said...

Get a PC like normal people!


Blogger Professor Batty said...

Kristin- after working on a half-dozen PCs eight hours a day, I have had my fill of dumb and ugly, thanks, but no thanks. I'd stick out my "thorn" as well, but I can't- I'm writing this at work, and this #@*! PC doesn't support the Icelandic character set! (My Mac switches with two clicks...) You may have never actually seen my blog the way I've designed it (Mac on Firefox 2)...


Blogger Móðir, kona, meyja said...

Well, on MY PC (which is neither dumb nor ugly, thank you very much) there is this nifty little feature that allows you to change the language of the computer...by which you will be able to choose every language you fancy...



Blogger Professor Batty said...

... so how ugly is MY PC? Well, for starters, it can't make a curved parenthesis, the words "thorn" and "thom" render exactly the same, there is no "hook" on a san-serif upper case letter J... dozens of "do you really want to" or "Microsoft will do such and such action" prompts... I could go on and on but I've got to do a hard reboot to unfreeze the scanner PC- again...


Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

I HAVE to jump into this one; I just can't help myself! Batty, if I say I had the toilet seat mac, do you know what I mean? You know, the one that alternately looked like a Barbie doll purse? (If not, I'll post a picture...) Hee hee. Well, my PC switches from English to Icelandic with one click...;-)

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... I certainly know the Mac of which you speak- you didn't have an Orange one, by chance? I think the thing that really gets me about some of the PC's I have to use at work is when they have to search for "My Computer" with the Commodore 64 flashlight! They don't even have a proper accent key, much less an Icelandic alphabet!
Oh, lest we forget-
Click on "Start" to shut down. I bet it took Microsoft 10,000 man hours to design that feature...

Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Actually, mine was blue. It was an internet streaming radio station when I no longer used it as a computer.--You do have a point about "start"--peculiar, v-e-r-y peculiar...

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