Saturday, July 14, 2007

Scenes From A Seattle Saturday

Summer re-run, originally published July 14, 2007

The only mountains we would climb today would be the hills of the University district in Seattle. In the morning, we went down to the Farmer's Market and stocked up on fresh produce for that evening's dinner:

We walked down University Avenue and stopped in to the Gargoyle Shop, always an escape from ordinary reality:

We went into several bookstores that placed special emphasis on “original prize volumes” concerning academic themes:

I even spotted a "hippie" bus:

That evening we ate at our son's place, he and his girlfriend served us a wonderful meal made from our market finds:

We had another guest for dinner as well:

By Professor Batty


Blogger Móðir, kona, meyja said...

So that'll be your summer reading, then?

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... actually, I have been following your recommendation (see next post)...

Blogger Comica said...

I'm glad that gargoyles have finally gotten the specialized store that they have always deserved!

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