Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Expanding The Franchise...

... the professor's been burning the midnight oil at Flippist Foods...

By Professor Batty


Blogger Sharon Spotbottom said...

So much hard work developing the flakes seems such a shame to taint them with a nasty Sharon toy :)
But cheers to Sharon and Flippist Flakes togeher at last!

Blogger Comica said...


Blogger Móðir, kona, meyja said...

More nutrition than six bowls of lead paint, huh? Is that scientifically proven?

Blogger Comica said...

I'd buy it simply for the picture of the creator on the box!

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... actually there's more nutrients in the toy than the cereal, that's the "scruffy look" Batty, I'll put the whole picture up on Flickr later tonight...

Blogger lab munkay said...

Yeah! Finaly a cereal good enough to pour my morning Ripple over! I'll be bright eyed every morning from now on.

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