Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Laxness Alert!

December 10th marks the 52nd anniversary of Halld贸r Laxness' speech at the Noble prize award dinner. In honor of that moment Rose and I will be posting our impressions of many of his novels (mostly those which have been translated into English.) Those of you who regularly stop here have no doubt seen many references to him, along with an occasional quote. I know that Laxness is not for every taste, but perhaps, just perhaps, we can entice an adventurous reader or two into this realm of wonderful fiction. Those of you familiar with his output or actually had to study his work in school may hold other views; we'd both welcome comments- or write a post of your own- reflecting on the man, his work, his influence, etc., any format, likes or dislikes.

Monday, December 10th, is Halld贸r Laxness day at Flippism Is The Key and at Icelandic Fever!

By Professor Batty


Blogger M贸冒ir, kona, meyja said...

脼谩 mun fegur冒in r铆kja ein.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... there shall WHAT one rule?

Blogger M贸冒ir, kona, meyja said...

And then beauty will reign alone. Last sentence of Heimslj贸s.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... takk!

Blogger M贸冒ir, kona, meyja said...

Ver冒i 镁茅r a冒 镁v铆.

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