Tuesday, January 01, 2008

And Now, For Something Completely Different...

As if!

The new year augurs ill, I'm afraid. Barring a twist of fate, we'll be stick with Dubya all year (he'll leave office January 2009) and if there is anything we can be sure of it will be more wrong-headed incompetence from him and his cronies. The situation in the Mid-East looks as if "We ain't seen nothin' yet." Watching the value of the dollar (and my retirement) shrink by double digit percentage points every year makes me laugh (to keep from crying.)

So we enter the new austerity regimen at FITK- terser posts, leaner prose, more taut poetry, not a word wasted! Even the sidebar has been trimmed a bit (don't worry, all the links are still there, they've just been put under sub-headings.)

This year I'll even (mark these words) lose twenty pounds!

As if!

By Professor Batty


Blogger Móðir, kona, meyja said...

As in GBP? Why have the letters on your blog grown so big? Is that also to mark your advancing age?

Or as someone once said, My, what big eyes you've got...

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... GBP= Gross Batty Poundage- I'm afraid I'm no longer the man you once knew! There really is no excuse for it, I'll be back to a more suitable shape soon, as I can't afford a new wardrobe. As to the fonts- I'm always meddling with them, I'll never be satisfied...

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