Monday, January 14, 2008


Finally got the chance to view Heima, the new DVD by Sigur R贸s, the Icelandic post-rock band. It is, on its surface, a chronicle of a series of concerts the group performed in Iceland throughout the summer of 2006. I've seen them perform before, but this is far more than just a concert film. It is a beautiful tribute to Iceland and its people, transporting and transcendent. Regardless of what the music Sigur R贸s is (and there are certainly grounds for serious criticism of it) I have never seen a musical film so accurately and deeply connect with the culture that gave it birth and nurtured it. There are some minimal interviews with members of Sigur R贸s and Amiina, (their four- woman string section); they come across as egoless as could be imagined. One section of the film has the eight of them in a recording studio, playing acoustically, demonstrating a group-mind-set that is almost unnerving. The box set comes with an artistic photo album and another DVD of full-length concert performances- I'll save those for another night.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Sharon Spotbottom said...

Wow what a photo.

Blogger M贸冒ir, kona, meyja said...

Harsh landscape breeds harsh people.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Sharon- the picture was taken somewhere on the road between Borganes and Vatneyri, on the Sn忙fellsnes peninsula...

Krist铆n- there is also beauty in both ...

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