Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Snow Day

Another call from 85° 45' S latitude tonight. The Antarctic explorer, calling home, via satellite. A good crew, lots of work done, some more remaining. A quick storm dropping a few inches of snow halted work for a bit- a snow day in Antarctica! Three more weeks, then a couple more spent in NZ. He sounded well, a little tired perhaps, he has to wear a mask to sleep, it's as bright in the tent at "night" as it is in the "day". I might have imagined it, but he sounded a bit lonely, perhaps. A long way away, from here, from home, from anywhere.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Móðir, kona, meyja said...

Well, at least your sons don't use the cat litter box...I wonder if my offspring will ever become as cultivated as yours...

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... oh dear, it sounds like you're having a bad day... there were days when we wondered about our sons as well... like last Tuesday ;-)

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