Monday, January 21, 2008

Spring Break

Being the coldest day of the year (so far), it seemed to make perfect sense to finalize plans for a spring break vacation. This has recently become a regular thing, the first late-winter/early-spring trip was Iceland in 2000. Colorado Springs, Seattle, The Boundary Waters and Hawaii have joined the list of destinations, this year there were several options:
Seattle - 4 visits in the past 4 years...
Iceland - not again for a while, and probably not in the spring...
Boundary Waters - three times in the last two years is enough for now...
St. Croix - maybe next year, there is a familial connection that colors that choice...
NYC - well, that would require a lot of planning...
North Carolina - BINGO!
A standing invitation from some of our favorite people in Raleigh, a few days in Asheville, then perhaps a day-trip to Richmond? Hmmm.
At any rate, the tickets have been purchased, come the 15th of March and we'll be flying Northwest Southeast.

By Professor Batty


Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Let us know if you come to Richmond! We'd love to join you for a meal if your schedule permits. Let me know if you need/want suggestions for things to do/places to stay. The South is lovely in the springtime. Well, it's lovely most of the time, except in the summer when the humidity makes cowards of most of us.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... our itinerary is still open for Thursday the 20th and Friday the 21st, we'll see how it goes, it would be fun to come up!

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