Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It is the spark that makes a blog (or any other form of writing) work. "When you're hot you're hot", as the old song goes, but when inspiration wanes sometimes you have to borrow a little. I'll "borrow" inspiration from almost anyone if it moves me- even if it moves me indirectly or counter-intuitively. Of course sometimes (like yesterday) I'm out there on my own without a net or anyone else to blame for my excesses.

But there are several blogs that I keep returning to- they're in my links, most of them I've followed for years; some of them have nearly stopped posting, while others have evolved over time- slowly changing as they explore new areas.

From the very start Flippism Is The Key has had an Icelandic component. Like a fiend with his dope, and a drunkard his wine, I need my Iceland "fix". One of them has, by her constancy, influenced and inspired me; only recently have I begun to realize just how many of my posts were unconsciously modeled on hers. Maria Roff, at Iceland Eyes has steadfastly given the world a photo and a paragraph or two about Iceland nearly every week for the last four years.

Think of a regular travel book. By its nature, it is usually a commercial or semi-commercial endeavor; none have the kind of depth that this blog has, and few have such clear examples of Icelandic life- it's as if you had your own personal guide. the other blogs listed each have their own approach- some very informal, others more personal, all of them are a treasure.

Occasionally I'll run into people who can't see the worth of blogging, or even understand what a blog is. I'll direct them to these blogs, and to Maria's in particular. Some old co-workers of mine recently traveled to Iceland and used these blogs for ideas- they had a wonderful time, and in a way that would have been hard to duplicate by going on a package tour.

So, when Maria recently called for stories and photos from people who had visited Iceland, I was more than glad to send her mine.

Thanks Maria, for keeping your window into Iceland open so wide, and for so long...

By Professor Batty


Blogger Reetsyburger said...

Thanks for storing me in your alternate reality.

: )

Blogger Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Maria's blog is very meaningful to me, too.

So I'm in your alternate reality list too. I don't quite know what to think of that, but I'd just as soon continue to wonder...

I know I'm in good company :-))

Blogger Professor Batty said...

... what's in a name? I've gone back and forth on my links lists for years, never quite knowing what to call them, I think that the sub-groups I have now are going to work out- excepting Sharon, of course, who is nothing at all...

Blogger Iceland Eyes said...

I just googled myself and sound this post...thanks, Professor, for your words, and your loyalty! Remember that picture from Kolaportið that looked just like you? Well, it made it into my book book, so whenever I'm showing it to someone I think of you *+*

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Maria~ you're more than welcome.

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