Living In Style
French wines, fine cheeses, a splendid assortment of fruit and other dainty comestibles greeted us on our arrival at the Princess Anne Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina. This could easily become a very bad habit, but one which would be so delightful to fall into:
The hotel is a delightful throwback to the 1920s, virtually unchanged in its form, with just a sprinkling of modern amenities tastefully blended into the classic decor of this gracefully aging princess:
The dining room’s refined elegance augurs a memorable breakfast. Even the furnishings suggest an era of refinement:
You are living the high life Batty, and the trip has only begun...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Hope you make it to the Holm reading tonight!
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
I could live with this!
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