I Miss You
"You do not have he right to eliminate yourself, you do not belong to you. You belong to Universe."Around and around it goes.
~R. Buckminster Fuller, 1927
Self-expression, unchecked to an international audience.
And when it stops, what then?
Lingering forever in the darker recesses of the web?
I miss you.
What is the ultimate worth of what we write here?
Will a future generation look back on these scribbles and find much, if anything, of interest?
Who has the patience to winnow the wheat from so much chaff?
A robot, perhaps? Some robot.
What new hallucinations will form from this mess of literary pottage?
I miss you.
Worse prose is barely conceivable.
But it is something.
It isn't you, yet it is.
Something to shout about.
Something to whisper quietly to an audience of one.
I miss you.
Never a lover.
I know what it feels like to be inside a woman.
It was never thus.
"I need to read you."
"I read to need you."
I miss you.
Come back.
I would be content as a shadow in your shadow.
Let your light shine.
It will work itself out.
It will be alright.
I miss you.
And if you...
Believe in dreams,
Or what is more important,
That a dream can come true?
I, I will meet you...
I miss you*
*Italicized lyrics by Björk
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
Professor Batty said...
I'm here, sweetheart. Never far away.
... and I'm so very glad for that!
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