Dreaming of Iceland
It happens almost every night now. I dream that I'm back in Iceland, wandering about the countryside, looking for something in the city, checking in to a hotel or guest house, being lost in crowds (because it is Iceland they are small crowds) and generally filled with a sense of longing. I have no current plans for any Icelandic trips other than a very vague possibility of one in October, 2010 (if Iceland Airwaves is still going- like almost everyone they're having cash-flow problems.)
So what's up with these "night visitors?" I would have thought they would have stopped by now, or at least become very infrequent. There is no Icelandic book or movie that I've read or seen recently (Journey to the Center of the Earth hardly counts) and I've even avoided Sigur Rós' latest release (although I did take a peek at their nudie video.)
Perhaps it is time for a "Dream Diary" on my bedside nightstand- although when I've tried that trick before everything I wrote was illegible gibberish- somewhat like this blog!
Anonymous said...
lab munkay said...
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
Professor Batty said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Anonymous said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Its weird for me as well. It has become more like an obsession since my brother and I took our father's ashes there over a year ago. I just can't seem to get enough information about being there. I go there for a little while almost daily, but nobody knows about that.
If you cannot go to Iceland, Iceland comes to you.
Yeah, Iceland really is the best, innit?
Jon- if you haven't already, check out Alda, Elise and Maria in my Real Life sidebar link- years of evocative Icelandic posts.
Munkay- are you sure that that inflatable castle didn't "blow" into your yard?
MKM- yep, and it doesn't hurt that you're in it, innit?
I have those longings too. But it's mostly a good feeling--better than being in love with someone who doesn't love you.
Bill Holm is almost as good as winning a trip to Iceland ;-) I hope to finish his book in a few days...
Thanks PB,
I actually found you from Alda's site, but thanks for the others.
Jon's comment is priceless:
"I go there for a little while almost daily, but nobody knows about that."
It would be really freaky if any of us who do that bumped into each other over there.
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