
This Finnish Wikipedia entry gives a nod to the the efforts of yours truly- the unreliable narrator of this fractured archive:
"Höpsismi (engl. flipism) on innoittanut myös muita taiteenlajeja: 1970- ja 1980-luvuilla on ollut levy-yhtiö Flippist Record Minneapolisissa Minnesotassa.[4]" with this foot note:
4.↑ Flippism is the Key
I wonder if that is a good sign, or a sign that I may have gone too far?
Or could it be phase three of Batty's plan for world domination?
Here is the site in English...
lab munkay said...
Anonymous said...
Comica said...
Hey-I an in Duluth at Finn Fest right now. Pictures to follow...
Are there actual wannabe Finns out there? An old friend has his reindeer there for the fun.
Oh! What a pleasant nod to the flippier side of things! :)
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