Skin Flowers
All the kids are doing it.
Maybe I could get one with a bar code and my Blogger number?
Perhaps a favorite sports team?
Or the same one as a famous pop star?
I know! Just a simple line drawing of a famous cartoon character!
No, I think that just one, if it's the right one, will do...
I鈥檓 going for it...
Tracing the pattern...
Finishing the inking...
A few seconds for the bleeding to stop...
A quick clean up...
Wait for it...
Here it comes...

Isn't she a beaut?
M贸冒ir, kona, meyja said...
Professor Batty said...
Anonymous said...
M贸冒ir, kona, meyja said...
Professor Batty said...
Sharon Spotbottom said...
M贸冒ir, kona, meyja said...
M贸冒ir, kona, meyja said...
Oh, god, reminds me of the bastard I used to live with all those years ago. I soon discovered that I liked his massive upper-arm dragon tattoo far better than himself as a person...
This dragon is more cute than threatening, the sort you'd like to cuddle.
The dragon is Sharon Spotbottom in one of her many guises...
... notice the yellowed pine paneling in the background...
Don't forget these things are permanent. Of course, at our age, that may not be too terribly long. Sharon must feel honored!
I want a tattoo. Not a dragon, though.
... how about a Raven?
Ah ha ha ha ha!!!
A raven is not a bad idea, actually come to think of it, highly befitting considering one's origins....but I had been thinking more in line with a cave painting of two swallows in flight.
I rather like ravens. Great symbol of Nordic mythology there...Woden and Hrafna-Fl贸ki and all that...
And yes, I did notice the yellowed pine panelling in the background? Want me to paint it for you?
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