The Halloween Visitor
Halloween brought a friendly spirit to Flippist World Headquarters: Annie Rhiannon (Atkins).
Arriving via Amtrak, Annie's charm eclipsed any ill effects from her all-night train ride. After a hearty breakfast, we all crashed for a bit. Awakening refreshed, we were ready for an afternoon spent exploring the wilds of Anoka, Minnesota, the city that is home to Flippist World Headquarters.
Come nightfall, hordes of trick-or-treaters came to the door, whom we obliged with pounds of candy (after all, Anoka is the Halloween Capitol of the World™.) When the kids were finished it was time to hit the highways, destination: HOLLYWOOD! Not that Hollywood, but the "Hollywood Sports Complex," a roadhouse in the country, 30 miles west of Minneapolis. When we got there it seemed as if everybody had read Annie's blog…
The band dedicated a song to Annie by that noted "Welsh" singer
Joe Cocker. Annie seemed most pleased to "Keep Her Hat On."
A surprise visit from a celebrity enlivened the band's performance…
By the end of the night everyone was dancing:
Annie said...
What a great night. "We drove all night to get to the roadhouse...".
You guys were superb hosts. I am now safely drinking wine in a hotel bar in Minneapolis. Thank you so much for everything.
Anonymous said...
Lovely pics of the 'visit'!
So glad that my little Annie has such wonderful friends in the States
I enjoy reading your blog.
Professor Batty said...
Annie- thanks again for brightening our day- and thanks for brightening nearly every day, on your blog...
Mary- you did alright with that one...
Thanks for reading FITK!
EW said...
Hello, croeso. Great blog!
Just wanted to say a big big thank you (or "Diolch yn Fawr" as the Welsh say) for showing Annie a good time during her trip.
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