
Digression #1: I have never exactly understood why our library gets rid of perfectly good books when it has acres of empty shelves. When it used to be the city library they had lots of very old books, many classic titles, some of which were very rare. All these vanished when the county took over.
The various titles have been trickling in. Monday I received a rather plump package from Adsrus, a bookseller in Des Moines. It was the Laxness, along with a slim volume of soft-core porn. Enclosed with the books was this note:

Evidently if NOBEL LAUREATE Halldór Laxness wasn't satisfactory I'd have this deathless prose to fall back on:
"Her fingers curved around him, hugged his swollen, aching flesh, making him desire her even more. "Please!" she rasped. "Now."
Digression #2. Years ago Dahl's bookstore existed on the fringe of downtown Minneapolis. Mr. Dahl loved his books, so much so that he lived in an apartment on the second floor, the door of which opened into his musty stacks. He would often be sitting there, listening to his beloved opera- "If you need anything, just knock!"
I was browsing near the front door one day when a seedy looking character (my future self?) came in, looked around furtively and asked me "Got any of those 'Spicy' books?"
It seems that now I do.
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
Professor Batty said...
Comica said...
Professor Batty said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Professor Batty said...
Haha. Hahahaha. Oh, shoot, I can't stop laughing...
... and I paid shipping for that pos...
There are plenty of snickers making their way over to your side of the country as we speak.
After browsing through that book I had to read the bible...
A Tijuana bible...
I had to look that one up! And I was in Tijuana this past summer! (didn't read any Bibles, though. Or bibles either.)
I was wondering if anyone would catch that reference...
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