Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Something Happened

When I was out and about yesterday, I sensed a change in the air. The last six weeks of frigid weather had let up a bit. The sun, already a month past the solstice, was high enough to impart a bit of warmth to my usually semi-numb legs. The snow and ice was melting a little, with a few trickles of water trying to flow along side of mounds of dirty slush by the curbs.

It was sometime around 11 AM, central time, when I felt as if a large weight had been lifted from my shoulders, there was a spring back in my step, a spring which I had lost several years ago. I felt optimistic, almost joyful, without knowing why.

My hope is that the feeling won't fade away anytime soon.

Later that night, I saw storm clouds in the distance, in the North-North-East.

P.S. Found a cool new blog today.

By Professor Batty


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually yelled out loud! Unusual for a reserved Scandinavian to do such a thing. It felt good.

Blogger Móðir, kona, meyja said...

Being reserved is all very fine, I'm sure, but we have been dormant far too long. It's time we demand changes, and it's long overdue.

I, for one, am proud of those protesters and rioters.

The riots went on long into the night...

Blogger Apologética said...


Blogger Annie said...

Hey, congrats on your new prez. I think the Sarah Palin pumpkin was the straw that broke the camel's back, myself.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Jon~ and a whole lot of other people in the world.

K~ my only hope is that the changes will be good for all, both here and in Iceland.

Jesus- thanks for stopping in!

Annie~ I think it was your positive energy in the U.S. that shifted the tide in Obama's favor!

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