Black Forest
... yet another Valentine's Day destination...

The Black Forest Inn in South Minneapolis is a pleasant bistro serving up German Fare. Since my paternal ancestry is mostly Deutsch, I should feel right at home here, and I do. The food is somewhat bland but comfortable: Spaetzle, Sauerbrauten, Sauerkraut, potatoes, pork and sausage of various types. The beer selection is very good, worth the trip if you like traditional German brews (yes, you can get a flight.)

Another form of escapism was this dessert:

We indulged.
In 1970, the noted Photographer Richard Avedon held a retrospective at the nearby Minneapolis Institute of Arts. It was a big show, he spent many days putting it together; he became a regular at the Black Forest. In appreciation, he donated a large print depicting the Daughters of the American Revolution in full regalia to the Inn. It was covered in Plexiglas and situated opposite the bar. Several years later an irate patron shot the picture, twice, never giving a coherent explanation for this bizarre action.

The bullet-holes remain.
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
Professor Batty said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Professor Batty said...
I would imagine German fare to be fairly ghastly...
Fairly unimaginative, I grew up on it.
That DAR lady looks pissed at nearly having been shot.
You old softie, you. Sounds like a delightful Valentine's Day.
It was very nice- low key and intimate.
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