Dog's Cock...

But seriously!
They're fun!
And easy to use!
And everybody knows exactly what they mean!
Unlike those troublesome semicolons; no; not those!
Whenever I ! in an email, it is because I'm really excited to be addressing the recipient! Really! I also like to use them in parentheses when words would fail to express my astonishment at a particularly absurd situation like this article(!) about punctuation.
Stuart's article did have this especially charming story:
The origin of the exclamation mark is uncertain. The first one appeared in print around 1400. The exclamation mark, it has been argued, derives from the Latin Io (which means joy). One day (we hypothesise) somebody wrote a joyful upbeat sentence and to clinch that sense, they concluded it by putting the second letter of Io under the first.
How lovely it would be if we could recapture that original, pre-ironic wonder that made writers slip the o under the I!
As far as my use of that punctuation is concerned: My a¡m is true!
Now about those ellipses...
Móðir, kona, meyja said...
Darien Fisher-Duke said...
Shoshanah Marohn said...
Professor Batty said...
On the charming subject of the use of multiple exclamation marks, see
Never fails to put me in a good mood.
Brennevin!!!! Fresh, delicious fish!!!! Northern Lights!!!!! Hot tubs!!!! Blogging back home so others can travel vicariously!!!!!!
F. Scott Fitsgerald once said that using an exclamation mark is like laughing at your own joke.
K ~ One at a time is plenty for me...
Rose ~ Except when talking about Iceland!!!!
Cellar Door ~ F. Scott never told any jokes!
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