Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Letters

For all of the Christmas cards I've helped make and/or design for others, my own holiday correspondence is usually too little, too late. People haven't given up on me (yet!) so I still get some, including a smattering of Christmas letters. With all the writing I've done lately, I should be able easily to crank out a multi-page spellbinding tale of our family's interesting exploits. But no, I end up thinking that the world would probably be a better place without a lengthy Xmas manifesto/confessional from me. That is the nice thing about a blog- it's out there to read for anyone who would care to, or anyone who stumbles upon it by chance. It doesn't force its attention on anyone. (Insert your own Facebook horror story here.) Lately, I've started getting email Christmas letters (with graphics), so I've got to print it myself if I'm going to put it on an equal footing with the other cards. And the Christmas letter is, by its nature, greater than a card, for it is A DOCUMENT OF IMPORTANCE WHICH MUST BE COMPLETELY READ AND ASSIMILATED. These letters are sort of like a familial summons. Or, perhaps, a trial reckoning for judgment day. And they are always full of names, most of which I can't place. Despite regular drills, I can't remember all the names of my niece's and nephew's children. Cousins? Just barely, and forget about naming their kids! The names of my Aunts and Uncles I was good at, but there are only a few of them left now.

And so it goes.

I did have a weird case of "instant holiday karma" last Saturday. I had gotten an email from a blog-pal thanking me for an Icelandic-themed Christmas present. I then stepped out for a short errand, and when I returned a small package from an old sweetheart had come in the mail, containing a surprise gift:

It also had a letter, with an explanation. I found out later her family has a tradition of having a little story attached to their gifts.

Now that might be an idea worth exploring!

By Professor Batty


Blogger Some Chilean Woman said...

At least you send holiday correspondence! Props!

Don't know much about you, are you from Reykjavik?

Blogger Professor Batty said...

I'm just a "Friend of Iceland", if you click on the "Iceland" link in the sidebar and scroll down, you'll find a list of my various Icelandic adventures.

Blogger Some Chilean Woman said...

I've always wanted to go there, well, everywhere really.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

It isn't for everybody, but I love it. There is an Iceland - LDS connection in the novel
Paradise Reclaimed
which concerns Icelanders who join the Mormons (in the 1880's) and travel to Utah and back.

Anonymous Big sister said...

Grandpa Charlie's home place, didn't look too different in 2003, the last time I saw it. His family was from southern Sweden, probably took the photo to convince the Swedish relatives that winter was much more challenging in Minnesota, even though there was more daylight.

Blogger Professor Batty said...

This is one of his brother Oscar's photos (that Jim Anderson has.) Where is this house?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know where that mug came from? I've been looking for one similar to it for the longest time! Hand-painted with the same designs, but blue and (hopefully) with my name on it :)

Blogger Professor Batty said...

Anon ~ No idea, it was purchased in an antique store.

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