Lipstick Classes

moue: fr. noun: a little grimace: pout
An odd word in an otherwise routine Scrabble game.
I challenged and lost, the Weaver couldn't help but gloat.
I must have done a moue myself when I said "You must have learned that in lipstick class!"
"Lipstick class! Hahahah! No such thing!"
I knew that there was all sorts of secret girl stuff, stuff boys are never aware of. In sixth grade I had to sit on the bench outside of the principal's office for some petit offense and as I sat, the sixth grade girls were watching a "sex-ed" film in the nearby auditorium. From the periodic shrieking of laughter of those girls, I knew then that there would always be a gulf between the genders- hundreds of great mysteries which I would never understand in a dozen lifetimes.
But now I know one of them.
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